Refund on Corporate Tax Return Filed Late

A July 22, 2024 Federal Court case found that CRA’s refusal to accept and provide tax refunds for corporate tax returns filed more than three years after the relevant year-end was reasonable. While a specific provision allows CRA to accept requests (at their discretion) for refunds after the three-year deadline for individuals, there is no parallel provision for corporations.

While no tax refund can be provided where corporate tax returns are not filed within three years of the fiscal year-end, CRA has discretion to re-appropriate the refund to another account of the taxpayer (e.g. the taxpayer’s GST/HST, payroll or income tax account). However, this re-appropriation is fully at CRA’s discretion, based on factors such as CRA error or delay, natural or man-made disasters, death, accident, serious illness, or emotional or mental distress.

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